Arizona Alliance for Adolescent Health

Home Arizona Alliance for Adolescent Health


The Arizona Alliance for Adolescent Health envisions individuals working with youth having enhanced opportunities for strategic and collective action that has a lasting impact on adolescent's health and wellbeing. The Alliance is a program of Affirm.

Want to learn more? brings together further information on The Alliance structure and membership and a directory to connect medical and social service professionals with resources to best serve Arizona's youth.

La Alianza de Arizona para la Salud de los Adolescentes presenta el primer informe sobre la salud y el bienestar de los jóvenes de Arizona. Lee más acerca de este informe aquí.

We are thrilled to announce the publication of The Well Visit: A Teen Guide 

This document was created by The Alliance in collaboration with two youth councils, multiple medical providers and youth-serving professionals. This informative, online guide details the ins-and-outs of a well visit, to ensure a positive healthcare experience for young people. Printed versions of the document are available.

More resources like this available at:

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