Title X (spoken as Title ten) is a grant program administered by the federal government. This program funds Affirm, who in turn, distributes the funds to health centers that provide sexual and reproductive healthcare and other preventative services. Title X is what helps Affirm and all our partners provide sexual and reproductive healthcare to over 30,000 people every year!
Services offered include:
- Birth control pills, condoms and other contraceptive methods;
- Sexually transmitted infection (STI/STD) testing, prevention education, counseling, limited treatment and referrals;
- Pregnancy testing, counseling and resources;
- Pelvic exams, including Pap smears;
- Breast exams;
- Basic infertility screening;
- Emergency contraception;
- Reproductive health counseling and education.
Who does Affirm serve?
- People who can become pregnant or cause a pregnancy.
- People without health insurance (the uninsured) or those with insurance coverage limitations (the underinsured).
- Youth. If you are under 18, you can receive care, such as birth control & STI testing, without parental consent.*
- People who earn low wages
- Indigenous communities and other groups who have been systematically excluded from receiving care.
What sets this care apart?
At Affirm, we believe people know what's best for them. Our job is to support them as they access the care they need. By law, Title X care is to be accessible, equitable, affordable, client-centered and high quality. Additional features of Title X care include:
- Services will be provided even if someone cannot pay for them.
- There are no government-issued identification requirements.
- Language translation services are available.
- Appointments can be completely confidential**, except in cases of mandatory reporting.***
*We encourage youth to involve a trusted adult in their healthcare decisions, but their involvement is not required to receive services.
**Upon request of the client, no bills or notifications about services will be sent home or to the insurance account holder. Any follow up calls can be done to numbers verified by the client.
***Mandatory Reporting is required if patient reveals child abuse, child molestation, sexual abuse, rape, incest, intimate partner violence or human trafficking. Otherwise services are completely confidential.